Powerful women scientists, Fiona Hay, Marie-Noelle Ndjiondjop and Inez Slamet-Loedin shared with us their careers and journeys in Science – Aliénor de Moucheron brought the voice of PRIMA Foundation, so active in promoting Gender-sensitive strategies in Science and Agriculture) – an extremely rich and touching experience … young PhD and Post-Doc women, some of them involved in BENEFIT-Med, brought their own experience, disclosing their expectations for the future.

Aliénor de Moucheron (PRIMA Foundation) brought us into the PRIMA strategy for Embedding Gender Dimensions into Science, highlighting the need for strong efforts to deliver effective Gender-Sensitive solutions.

What do women need for a career in Science? Fiona Hay (Aarhus University, Denmark) says: “luck and resilience”. We followed her journey in Seed Science from UK to IRRI-Philippines and back to Europe as a leading scientist and model for young researcher women.

Marie-Noelle Ndjiondjop shared with us her incredible experience. First female scientist at Africa Rice Center. She is continuously mentoring and training young women scientists, bringing concrete opportunities for their future in Science.

Inez Slamet-Loedin (CGIAR) told us how she could carry out her pivotal work in IRRI to develop nutricious rice with higher yield, bringing an outstanding scientific contribution for improved food security of smallholder farmers.