THE KICK-OFF MEETING (KOM) of the project ”Boosting technologies of orphan legumes towards resilient farming systems in the Greater Mediterranean Region: from bench to open field” was successfully held at the Department of Biology and Biotechnology of the University of Pavia (Italy) from 30th May to 1st June 2022. The event, organized by the Coordinator UNIPV, gathered over 20 participants representative of all the eleven Partner Institutions, the PRIMA Officer Dr. Fabrice Dentressangle, and the members of the External Advisory Board Prof. Steven Groot and Prof. Diego Rubiales.
The KOM Agenda included presentation of Partners, main mission and main competences for BENEFIT-Med, Teams involved, description of WPs activities. The Consortium was committed to define and implement the work plan and set guidelines. All Partners contributed to a strong interactive discussion, integrated with the critical review and comments provided by the External Advisory Board.
The event was also an opportunity for all the Partners to meet and enjoy time together, exchanging cultural and scientific information in the confortable environment of “pizza night” and social dinner.